Wednesday, November 19, 2008


In a stunning last-minute move, the 2,000 healthy wild mustangs slated for euthanasia by the Bureau of Land Management have been saved.

"Madeleine Pickens, wife of billionare T. Boone Pickens, made known her intentions to adopt not just the doomed wild horses but most or all of the 30,000 horses and burros kept in federal holding pens," the Washington Post reported. Any of these 30,000 horses kept in federal custody could have been sold by the BLM "without restriction," meaning they could have been sold for slaughter.

"Lifelong animal lovers, the Pickenses just a few years ago led the fight to close the last horse slaughterhouse in the United States." And now, they have assured that 30,000 horses will be allowed live out their lives in comfort. The National Horse Protection League applauds Madeline Pickens for her extraordinary compassion.

To read more about this story and to spread the word, please visit:

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